Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello, Africa?

So...cliff  hanger from the last post...leads to this:

(This will probably be one of my longest post, because it covers a series of months. I also feel details should be shared, because it's when the details add up that the story becomes miraculous!)

Why graduate a year early? You love Austin and God's made you a part of some really cool stuff! Student CPx--a really tight knit house church community, Greenhouse--a prayer ministry at the Campus House of Prayer, amazing roommates, a great boyfriend--who had just moved a few months prior to Austin, and generous parents who have paid for nearly everything!

It didn't make sense, but I know what I know: If God says "graduate early", you graduate early. He's the one with plans to give me hope and make me prosper. So, I genuinely became excited to graduate and only cried in front of Drake once, or maybe twice :).

In November of last year I was spending time Jesus and asked him about the future. This was a common question for me to ask Him at the time and the usual response was "wait". But not this morning. Africa was on the brain and that seemed the first differing answer I had received since this whole graduating early business. My response was "Really Jesus?" because I've done the whole white christian girl to Africa thing before and most of y'all know how that didn't turn out.
He answered, "Yes you have. You were supposed to go then too, but now I am asking you to go again."
That probably should have been enough, but I needed to be sure, "Jesus, you've got to give me confirmation!"

That night at the Greenhouse as the team was praying for each other before opening the doors a man-- who doesn't know me from Adam--prayed for me.
"I see you laying hands on black people," I stared at him slightly confused not understanding his straightforward comment. He continued, "in Africa." When the word Africa came from his mouth I couldn't believe it. This is nuts! Really God? You really are going to give me this clear of a confirmation? Within that week God really started speaking about my future. People were confirming things God had been telling me left and right, and my excitement bubbled over to praise. Our God is so Good!!!

So, February was the next eventful month. I was making up plans to go to Longhorn Career Services to find a "big girl job" in order to build some sort of work resume before leaving for Africa. God shut down those plans fairly quick and advised me to wait until June to start making such decisions. I will be honest, I didn't need much convincing. The less burden the better--isn't Christ's burden light anyway?

Also in that month, My Aunt/Partner in the Greenhouse/Friend, went the the National Prayer Breakfast. A conference that I had felt the pull to go to for future connections, but just didn't want to make the effort or spend the money--I don't particularly love conferences. It was there that God in his mercy allowed her to make the connection for me. At a random dinner seating arrangement she met the Sally's, Mike and Lori. When she was asked to talk about the Greenhouse. Greenhouse is part of a large ministry whose headquarters are in Washington, Intern'l Assoc. of Healing Rooms. I know the name "Healing Room" is strange, but it's simply a prayer ministry. When she was sharing about what her and students had been doing at the University of Texas the Sally's became ecstatic. Their ministry, Show Mercy Intern'l, was going to open a Clinic in Uganda, and they had been praying for someone younger, 18-25, to come short-term to help start a healing room ministry. Well they were praying for me! I am one of maybe a few college age directors of the Healing Rooms, and God had simultaneously planted the Sally's and my desires! So cool, He wrote my resume for me.

There are many God coincidences that came with this opportunity: It fit so well with dreams my future nurse boyfriend and I share, I had felt my next step in life would be birthed from my experience at Greenhouse, and well we all know by now Africa was in the criteria.

I talked to Mike a week later. And in my excitement agreed to go on a trip in July. A few hours later God reminded me of the "wait until June!" Dang! I thought that was only for a job. I didn't get it, but I knew I had to call Mike and tell him that I had to take back my agreement. I was embarrassed and didn't want them to think I was a flake. Low 'n behold, God is gracious again and a couple days later I get a message. From Mike saying sorry I was jet lagged when we talked...when were you wanting to come again? Hehe, God allowed me to save face. I told the couple I was 95% certain I would be working with them, but for some reason I felt the need to wait until June to make a decision. They were extremely gracious, even though they didn't know the reasons either.

So June comes around...And there is no open eyed vision or crazy tragedy to explain why I waited those few months. I have another crying session with Drake. Why? What if I make the wrong decision? Should I wait until the direction is obvious? Drake listened and then responded with sage advice that can be summarized to everything is "yes" and "amen" in Christ. I had obeyed to that point, and could go forward in freedom until God says otherwise. Alright. Show Mercy here I come!!!

When I call Lori Salley that next day I am extremely nervous. What if they found someone else? Or have given up on the demanding Sarah with her eagerness/but strange time restraints? There was no answer.

The next day I message Lori. An hour later Lori calls during class. When we finally get in touch it's glorious! I end the conversation with the assignment to email my visions to them and possible timing of my internship. Bam! A super long, in over detailed Sarah Fashion, email comes their way! I would love to join them in October. It'd be perfect! I'd get to be with another wonderful group that is going to be visiting those first few weeks and then go from there! I was on cloud nine!

 And then a discrepancy with my graduation, I had been misadvised and have to take another course. Ok Jesus, you got this! He had told me the day before that Satan was going to try to steal my destiny. Okay then, let's put on the armor of Christ and get to battling. Let's petition against the system! Then I get an email from Lori, they have full capacity in October. I am going to have to wait until November. Bummer...that doesn't feel right. Why was I so excited about October? God was that me or you?

Over the next few days I meet with three advisors. Write a petition to graduate and pray about the timing of Africa. Lord, what's this October business? A week later, they accepted my petition. I truly do get to graduate! and now the I once again inconvenience the Sally's and ask them to consider the timing I feel is necessary? It's not in my nature to be difficult. The next two days I have three people pray for me. Two get the sense I need to "standby" for October and they all tell me the timing really is important. That's why God had me wait until June. I also then remember that one women--who is probably the most gifted prophet to ever have prayed over me--had told me that God was going to give me specific time periods throughout my life for projects. Okay Lord, I guess this is how you speak to me. I am your sheep and I do hear your voice!

So this is where I am...I am praying and waiting for the door for October to open! However that is. And standing in faith against the schemes of the enemy. God's got me, and only revealed Satan's plans so that I could stand for His. I'd love your prayers! They are so powerful.

Bye bye Longhorns!

I have less than two weeks of class left and then a new chapter in life begins. Wahoo! Although college has been wonderful here in the great city of Austin...I have a tendency to really love change.

Journey To Graduation:
A year ago when praying with Drake--my boyfriend--about, well, LIFE I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and say "Graduate as soon as you can." This of course got the blood pumping. I had been an indecisive student and at that point had changed my major 3 times in the past two years. I didn't speak this aloud to anyone and just let set in my heart. So when registration came in the fall, those words would not leave my head. The more I thought of the possibilities of graduating early the more I got excited. So, Spanish to English major and I'd be done in half a year, with the exact number of hours needed to get my degree. My friend Martin, an English honors double major, loved to tell everyone that I was evidence that "Yes, an English major can be accomplished in a single semester."--Note: I probably have the worst grammar of all you English people out there, so please do not be disheartened! So why was I graduating early? Well the phrase, "God only knows," comes to mind.