Wednesday, September 26, 2012


So today was my first day back-in-the-swing-of-things after having some terrible virus that started creeping in Friday! Mike keeps telling me I must have gotten it on the plane, so we will say that and not here in Uganda ;). Every pang in my stomach had me thinking though, "Oh no there is an African parasite making home in there." And of course, when I tell my mom I stayed up all night with fever and chills her first question was, "Is it Malaria?" Luckily mine was not so common in the U.S. Health Department List of Ugandan diseases. And let's pray for continued protection. Yes?

So my day then…well first off I call Dr. Ben--remember how I met him on the airplane? We are just getting the clinic finished up and Show Mercy is wanting me to do some research to help get this thing up in running. How do we do that? I HAVE NO IDEA..ha, so maybe it's a good idea to ask someone who might? When I went to call Dr. Ben I was so nervous and was really hoping it wouldn't just be a dead end--I don't have much more to go on at the moment. But God blessed it and straight away he answered and we had a very good conversation. He remembered my name and was more than willing to answer any questions that I might have. He even asked to come by and possibly see what is that we are doing here at Show Mercy. I got off the phone pretty excited (I had done the Google research on this guy and know he is truly who he says he is).

Then we went to Bakka to spend an hour at a Muslim school. Which is two small handmade brick buildings that look like they might fall down and then a temporary shelter made of sticks and tin. We read a book and did puppets. The children loved it, you could see it on their earlier sinister faces. We then left the school to bring the mother of two undernourished twins money for milk. Unfortunately they were gone when got there, but don't worry, we gave the money to the village pastor to drop off later.

And then our final interns arrived!!! So we are all here. I had to fight conflicting feelings of being excited that they were here, but that we already had a bond here and I didn't want that to be invaded. I told God how it was going to be hard for me to get use to this one girl because she was carrying a lot of stuff and blah blah blah. Ha he had other plans…You see Show Mercy is not only about reaching out to Uganda. I say with confidence and others here will say as well, there is something special the Holy Spirit does in these walls! Something that quickly invades the hearts of the teams that come. I won't try to explain it exactly. But in this last week I have slowly seen God work and melt away pains, fears, lies and cultivate truth, love, and grace in almost all of us girls. Whether it's in our quiet times, in a random prayer and worship session, or out in Kaliti feeding a hungry child. This is a place to dream, and for God to break the barriers of those dreams! This is what Mike and Lori have prayed and prophesied over this place as well as many others.

So this girl that bugged me aye? Well she had just gotten done traveling around as the personal assistant to an extremely famous motivational speaker/businessman who had used manipulation and control to drive this poor girl and others. He also claimed to be Christian and use scripture in his talks, but also kept idols in his home and used other spiritual means to teach. So talk about a lot tough stuff to come from and lots of hurt and confusion. When us girls spent time after dinner just in prayer in worship it wasn't long until the Holy Spirit made the focus on God healing and redeeming her, and breaking off all the darkness and confusion that had weighed her down. You could just feel the things coming away as we prayed and prophesied and she broke down and wept in the release. It was so special to see. And to hear God say through and around us, "Come my beloved, you are safe now!"

So, yes I am in Uganda and this Clinic is such an adventure! As well as going out to the villages. But I'm also on what feels like a spiritual rehab. Which is fine by me! I'd much rather go out full!!! haha, isn't that what we are supposed to love out of. The overflow of being loved by God! Here are some photos of this beautiful place...

 Here is the Entrance to Field of Dreams-The Clinic is on the left, almost done being constructed.
 Here is our housing. We stay on the right. Check out the view!
 This is our porch where Jess like to drink her coffee and read.
 Here is the Ark. Where I like to drink coffee and read on the back porch.
The view is amazing and large birds are flying all around.

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