Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Thank God, my first experience in Africa was Dar Se Lam (sp? oops), Tanzania. Kaliti, Uganda seems like Heaven compared to there. The weather is wonderful 60-80 degrees. We are out in the country so the air is fresh. My Surroundings are breathtaking and remind me in ways of home with the rolling hills. And where we are staying, although basic, is clean and comfortable. I like the food! and am sure that this new diet will be beneficial for my figure ha. Fresh and unprocessed. Already, I have been immersed in the culture and feel like these last two days have just been crazy. I'm still trying to take it in. But I love it, despite the obvious flaws we all know. 

These last two days have been packed. And I want to share it all, but know this is a blog and not a novel! So God what do I share?

Well as many of y'all know the draw for me to Show Mercy was the Clinic and their heart for healing. And after seeing the many sick here, I can't see how you could not! After doing the prayer healing ministry these last couple of years I'm starting to get excited about how prayer can be combined with actual medicine! And I feel like God is purposely stirring that excitement. I asked for divine encounters on my plane trip here to Uganda. So I was overjoyed when on my last flight I ended up sitting next to Uncle Ben. He was the he first person to really talk to me--and believe me, I had tried talking with others after being alone so long. He was great to talk to and It turns out he is one of the thirteen Chairman appointed by the King of Buganda. Cool huh? And even cooler he just so happened to be the Chairmen of Health and Social Work. Are you seeing the connection? I'm coming to Uganda because of a Clinic and He works at a hospital only an hour away from me Nsambia. The Lord prompted me to ask for his contact info and he eagerly did so. He then asked me for mine and told me to not hesitate to call. I'm not sure what God's intention was for that connection, but if anything it makes me excited for what He has for this new clinic!

We are hoping to have the clinic completely finished next week. And start moving in then…I still have not had the chance to sit down with Mike or Lori and hear their plans for the clinic specifically. But honestly they are so all over the place and very busy they might not know exactly. All in God's timing..and for now I'll just pray for the healing and salvation this place will bring! There's plenty else going on here besides the clinic!

I'll have pictures next post! I'm just a horrible photographer and don't want to be the Manzungu, white person, always carrying around the camera.


  1. Wow, what an incredible encounter Sarah! I'm so excited about this journey! Praying for blessing and peace!

  2. Madeline told me today that that you will be the topic of her "people who inspire her" essay for her college application. Look forward to reading your blog. Praying for you.
    Love, Uncle Scott
