Sunday, November 25, 2012

Uganda Update

It's been an exciting week here at Field of Dreams. We had a thanksgiving feast. And even though we had chicken instead of turkey, it was still really good! This week I've been making an effort to really hold onto the fruit, the good things happening, and not being so focused on the giants--like Joshua and Caleb in the land of Canaan.  We often see good things everyday here, but because we have such big desires to see God move in big ways it's easier to point at the giants that we have not yet conquered and forget to really praise God for what He is doing. So here is my fruit for the week :)
"This is to my Father's glory that you bear much fruit."-Jesus
When At the Market this week. I got to pray with two people to accept Jesus as their savior! I'll have to share the story because it was pretty great. So we were walking to the market after leaving the clinic in Wakiso. It was on our way that I spotted, Sarah, a muslim woman who wouldn't let me pray for her, but who had over the last few weeks become my friend. I walked over to her, excited to see her. I was talking with her when a man, whom I'd soon find out is named Benson, interrupted and asked. "Are you saved?"
 I was surprised and while laughing said, "Why yes I'm saved! How about you?"
He looked at me seriously for a moment and replied, "I will be someday." In my mind I was wondering why not today and I let him know that. And he told me it was because he wanted to know Jesus first. So I started to tell him and Sarah about Jesus. How he has saved and loved me. How he has encountered me and changed my life. I asked Benson if I could pray for Jesus to reveal himself to him, and Sarah chimed in and said, "I want to pray to! I want to be saved." I was amazed! And was thinking in my mind wow Jesus this is so cool! So Benson got a phone call right as I was about to pray, and he told me he had to go, but that he really wanted me to pray. So I did. But then halfway through he added, "I want to be saved now. Let's pray for that!" So we did right then and there. And then I prayed for the power of God to enter his life and he jumped back in surprise when the electric power of the Holy Spirit jolted through his arms. Natalie and I laughed about that later. I don't think he was expecting that sort of God encounter. So then I went to where Sarah worked--she had left while I had been praying for Benson--and she accepted Jesus in her heart. It was exciting to see the person who was most cold to me my first time at the market, open her heart to let Jesus in. 

This was not all that happened that day. That morning God had told me I was to pray and have someone encounter his presence. I had never done this before, so it was nerve wracking for me. I had heard testimonies of people saying they had done outreach simply by letting people encounter God's presence and then they wanted to accept Jesus. Although I had thought that was neat, I found it hard to see myself doing something like that. But God was asking, just like he had for the street preaching, so I decided I would. When we were first in town, us interns walked up to two men working at a hardware store and immediately I asked them if they had ever had a God encounter. Both of them shook their head no. I then asked if they knew Jesus. It turns out they were both born again, but that they would love to feel God's presence. So I asked them to hold out there hands and we would not touch them, but would ask God to. We prayed for a bit and nothing seemed to be happening. I was thinking, what's up with this God? Am I hearing you correctly? As a couple of the girls were giving them prophetic words one of the guys tells us, "I'm feeling heat on my hands! I'm feeling heat!" We look at his hands and they begin to sweat. I shared how sometimes the Holy Spirit shows up as fire. I was grateful that God showed up and that I was hearing a little better than I had thought a moment before.
This day was a big day of fruit for me, because I had been praying for salvations and to see God move! But then there seemed so much more to be grateful for.
--A vitamin company came through to help support our orphans!
--We are getting a washing machine for our clothes.
--I have only a few weeks before I get to go home and see my friends, family, and Drake!
--We have possibly two nurse practitioners coming to work at the clinic.
--AND…many other things ;)

So…as much as it's easy to be overcome by what God's not doing. It feels so much better to be focused on what He is doing. And that seems to be quite a bit lately. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful Sarah! I love hearing about what happens when we take the time to stop and listen to what God wants us to do before we move!
